(AKA: Philip Schwartz, Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing,
New York Dry Goods, Philip Schwartz - Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing Store.)
1855 to present

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
The Schwartz Building - 2007
(Next to Blacksmith Shop East Main Street)
1853 Paul and Carmelita Barron sell the lot to Alfred Minear.
1855 March - Minear sells to Philip Schwartz, at that time it was the south half of the Kossuth saloon. Schwartz builds a 1 story brick building and opens "Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing Store."

Ad from the Businessman's Directory - 1856

Schwartz Ad in the Weekly Columbian - 1857
1861 Schwartz mortgages the building several times over the years, it is finally purchased by John Krytzer, a Sonora businessman, in a sheriff's sale.
1862 Harris and Coleman run the store.
1863 Kohn, Jacobi & Co operate the business. It becomes the "New York Dry Goods Store."
1871 August - Krytzer owns Block 10, Lot 169 - Deputy County Surveyor map by John P. Dart
1878 The empty building is purchased by Charles Koch who repairs it and rents it to various businesses.

© Columbia State Historic Park.
Schwartz Building - 1940s
1947 State purchases it from Richard Luckow, et al.
1966 Concession operated by MaryAnn Groger and (husband). It is renamed the "New York Dry Goods Store."
1970 31 May - R & M Groger get a one year contract for the Dry Goods Store. (Park & Concessionaire report 1969-70)
1973 31 May - Richard F. & Mary Ann Groger get a five year contract for the Dry Goods Store. (Park & Concessionaire report 1974-75)
1978 30 November - Richard F. & Mary Ann Groger get a five year contract for the New York Dry Goods. (Park & Concessionaire report 1979-80)

© Collection of web master.
Street performers, Fiddle Stix, in front of New York Dry Goods - 1975.

© Ron Stout.
Drawing from post card of New York Dry Goods - 1981.
2002 Belinda Miller wins contract for the concession and calls it "Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing Store." Selling costumes and fabric at first. Then becomes a successful magnet for quilters.

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Lindy's canvas sign - 2008
2009 November 29 - Lindy Miller closes the Philip Schwartz, Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing Store
2010 May 19 - Teri & George Van Buskirk take over the contract of the Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing Store.
2015 October 31 - George Van Buskirk cancels the contract of the Fancy Dry Goods & Clothing Store.

"A business oppotunity?"
22735 Main Street
This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D.P. Oydegaard
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.