Film Still for Tandem shoot
Our Glorious Members
All images by Floyd D. P. Oydegaard, unless otherwise specified!
Note on images: These are images taken between 1984 and 2000. During
my halcyon days as leader and member of SOTP.
the beginnings
The original founders
of Shadows of the Past, Inc.
in their last image together
by the
Collodion Artist William Dunniway & Co.
Read about Tennessee Charles Hughes
Read about Black Bart the Legend aka
Floyd D.P. Oydegaard
Read about Don Aubrey
Our First Event at San Jose Historical Museum 1984
Hanging Out in San Juan Bautista
Roaring Camp event 1987
Santa Cruz County Fair 1990
the townies
GTR March 7, 1998 by Dunniway
Dusty's Saloon.
Shadow's Folk (color)
Shadow's Folk (tintype) Dunniway
Train at the Depot
Train Robbers
cooking over a campfire
Wolfgang Blum
Charlie Tarbox a drummer
Mari and Tony Smith by Dunniway
Peter "Scarvey" Chelemedos
William "Wyatt Earp" Burns
Adrian Butterfield
Teddy Blue at the Saloon door Pappy sits and Sheriff Scarvey sizes him up!
Kip Maxwell and John Gomez
Lizard, Mark and Jackson
Bloody Bob and his lovely lady Rene
Pawnee Bill Carl Ontis and Elizabeth Pigeon
the pistoleers
Bart on Shiloh
Bart ala Rooster Cogburn
Hurricane Floyd
Black B'ar
Black Bear and Little Bird
Boggs aka Nathan Ralphs
Marshal Bart & Boggs
Holding Their S&W Pistols Doc, Will & DBD.
Marshal Esteban AKA Steven Crain
the ladies
Adrian Butterfield
Amberbead Crystal Dunniway
Amy "Wild Red Hiccoughs" Crain
Betsy Belle AKA Elizabeth Ontis-Pigeon
Blondie AKA Eileen Hershman
Chocolate Eyes Mari Lynn (In her clothes)
Chocolate Eyes Mari Lynn (out of her clothes)
Darlin' Deena in the saloon
Halfbreed Lois Van Buren
Juarista Nebalita
Lady Neb
Little Bird in Columbia
Lil'Bird wrapped in black bear
Lizard, Mark and Jackson
Ruthless Rasmussen
The Widder Anderson
our train guard
Double Barrel Dick:
DBD & TWA Again Later!
DBD Stares Down a Brigand
DBD & TWA wait for a parade to start.
DBD & Bart play cards
the sidekicks
Pappy Sherman Caughman
Pappy and Willy
Uncle Sherm and his son Jasper
Brad "Lefty" Jenkins
Dave, Bart & John Miklosko
Andy "Sourdough" Moore
Sourdough by Dunniway
Montana Richard Draga
Clinton "Dingus" Melville
Derek "Squawman" Walls
Brian "Smiley" Story
Ryan Downs moments after Bart shot a hole in his
hat and it was still smokin'
the cowboys
Our Cowboys 1996
Cowboy Wolfy
Teddy Blue, Soudough and Ted's son Scott by Dunniway
Clifford "Doc Cheatham" Chappel and Brad
"Iron Horse" Bingham by Dunniway
Spotted Dog Dave Uebele
"Dusty" Stanley Coleman and Brad Bingham with Shiloh
Earl Stanley Coleman
Brad's tintype by Dunniway
Buford Champion
Wild Bill Pearce
the youngins
Nate Champion
Willy Champion and Maw
Tenatious & Pecos Bill with Shorty
Michael "Boots" Smith
Young Jasper Collects the reward!
Jackson and his folk
Clinton "Dingus" Melville
Action Scenes
Conchos Jeff Page wins the duel
with the Buscadero Kid AKA Ryan Page
Bart ala Rooster Cogburn
Train Robbery during
the Boomtowner's Get Together, Labor Day Weekend 1999.
(Closer view)
The Lads and Lasses Line up just before
the Downtown Christmas Parade - 1999.
misc. indians
Halfbreed Lois Van Buren
"Princess Still Waters Run Deep" AKA Nawassa
AKA Jenifer Ainsworth
Brave Indian Ray Johnny!
Dakota AKA Jacque Ann McQuillen
Kip Maxwell and John Gomez
Alcalde Arch Hayes
misc. images
S&W number 3
that was at Little Big Horn and
was on tour with the S&W collection.
Tintypes were created by
Wm. Dunniway & Co.
our very own Wet Plate Collodion Artiste and fellow gunman!
Most of the others were shot by Floyd D.P. Oydegaard AKA Bart!
"GO ON!"
Write to: Black Bart the Legend
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