(part 2)
Columbia's Newspaper & Print Shop Locations.
There were 13 different publications
and various locations for the newspapers that operated
from 1852 until 1867 in Columbia. This is what I know so far.
Columbia's First Newspaper.
No Flag available.
1852 October 4 - Columbia Star office was located along
the south side of Washington Street, closer to Main Street. Actual building
design and copies of the newspaper are not known. The last issue was before
November 13, 1851. Publishers were: James Wood Coffroth and
George Washington Gore (editor). Lewis Carstairs Gunn (sold
Ramage press to Gore and repossessed it).
1852 October 23 - The Columbia Gazette
newspaper is printed.
Publishers were: Thomas A. Falconer, first editor(52), neutral politics,
John Charles Duchow
(longest Gazette editor 53-55, 56-57, Democrat),
Tryon C. Yancey(53). Robert J. Steele(55),
Thomas Nugent Cazneau(55-56), Carder(56),
J. Wing Oliver(58), George R, Parburt(58).
(It's hard to know what that first building may have looked like;
most likely a simple
construction of boards and canvas.)
To see a full separate study of
The Columbia Gazette: Click
1853 March 5 - Gazette office was in the McClenhan House
where present Gazette building is today.
1853 November 5 - Yancey & Duchow move into Murray's Building.
Columbia Gazette was located west (east) in courtroom on south of
Washington Street.
(Near its current position.)
1853 November 12 (Sat.) -
Vol 2. No. 1. Whole No. 53
of the Columbia Gazette has a quote beneath its "flag,"
"Where shall the PRESS, the PEOPLE'S RIGHTS
maintain; Unawed by Influence, And unbribed by GAIN."
1854 Duchow
and Yancey own the lot. W. C. Parker had a
booksellers & stationers in the building.
1855 Lithograph
is created of the Columbia Gazette Office.
1855 Duchow and Steele
take over the building and build a second story.
1855 November 10 - Last issue of the first Columbia Gazette. Cazneau assumes control of Columbia Gazette.
1856 April 5 - Casneau and Steele,
printing a newspaper with the Gazette title again. Duchow and Carder take over the paper and move it to Main Street.
1856 July - Cazneau ends his editorship of the Columbia Gazette.
1858 Spring - J. Wing Oliver takes over the Columbia Gazette for a
few months. His paper is against the Administration. It came out for
Douglas against Lincoln.
No Flag available.
1858 July - George R. Parburt put the Columbia Gazette
back on track for the Administration.
1858 July 29 - end of 2nd Gazette. (see Columbia News below.)
No Flag available.
1854 May 13 - Columbia Clipper is printed by W. W. H. Gist, John Heckendorn, William A. Wilson. Organ of the American Party.
Located on Fulton Street, near Main.
1854 July 10 - The town burns.
1856 June - The last Clipper is printed.
1857 January 1 - Columbia Clipper office at Fulton Street, near Main
Street prints the 1856 Miners & Business Men's Directory.
One last gasp of the already dead Columbia Clipper?
1854 July - Clipper & Gazette, Extra
(a combined effort) The first issue was four pages.
The last two issues
were single page with the word "EXTRA" added.
"In Union There is Strength"
Publishers were:
John Charles Duchow, John Heckendorn, William A. Wilson.
1855 November 10 - The first issue of
The Columbia Gazette and Southern Mines Advertiser
is printed.
The Columbia Gazette and Southern Mines Advertiser was
printed on the second story of this brick building owned by George Morgan
and was located on Main Street. (Above the "What Cheer" Saloon, City Hotel)
1856 June 21 - The Weekly Columbian
begins. Publishers were:
John Charles Duchow, Maurice M. Langhorne, J. Wing Oliver(56),
John B. Urmy, William A. Wilson(56), Dan Yoakum. The paper was
Independent (with Democrat leanings) and pro Fillmore. Claimed one
thousand subscribers.
1856 June 28 - The Weekly Columbian
Vol. 1, No. 2.
(Sat.) states that the paper is located on
"Fulton St. Between Main and Broadway."
1856 July - Two story brick building
(still standing) was built, by
Dr. James J. McChesney. Columbia Drug Store in the street level and
the second story was the Weekly Columbian, published by J.W. Oliver.
By November the building was soled to Parsons and the newspaper moved out.
1856 The Weekly Columbian had two locations:
near what would be the back of the old barn north side of Fulton Street, and later near what would be the back of the house north side of Fulton Street, closer to Columbia Street.
1857 Duchow buys the Weekly Columbian. June 6, is the last issue.
By August another fire destroys wooden & brick structures.
No Flag available.
1856 September & November - Campaign Gazetter.
This was a special issue(s) on the elections.
1857 June 19 - Tuolumne Courier
starts publication as an Independent, Pro-Administration newspaper. Publishers were; Edward Boden, John Charles Duchow(57), William A. Duchow, John B. Urmy(57). Upstairs in the Duchow bldg. (State St.)
1857 August 25 - The town Burns. Five men are killed in an explosion. (see wood cut map of area destroyed) from Vol. 1. No. 11.
of the paper dated (Sat.) August 29, 1857
(This paper is the second issue of the same "Extra" printed August 25th!
An original copy of which is on display at the Columbia Museum.)
1860 April 14 - the Tuolumne Courier Office was three buildings/lots south of the Corner of Jackson and Broadway, on the east side.
1861 April 20 (Saturday) - Vol. 4 Number 45 of the Tuolumne Courier is located in the "Courier Building" on Broadway, between Jackson and State Streets. Published every Sunday morning. Editor is J. C. Duchow.
1865 February 4 - Tuolumne Courier moved to Sonora. By April 22; shows the Tuolumne Courier office as Washington Street, opposite Turnverien Hall, and its editor as being G. L. Sharretts. In Sonora!
1867 Duchow changes the Tuolumne Courier name to the Tuolumne Independent.
1858 August 26 - The Columbia Weekly News is in third building/lot
south of State Street on the west side of Broadway, until 1859. The paper
was Independent and later Democrat. Publisher was Dan Yochum.
1859 April 7th (Thurs) - Vol. 1. No. 32
of the Columbia Weekly News show the editors
are Henry C. Bennett and David R. Miller. It states that
it is located on Washington Street in the Cardinell's Theater Building.
1860 Duchow moves the Columbia Weekly News to his
own building.
1860: Columbia Times is published.
Vol. 1. No. 5 dated (Thursday) February 2, 1860
shows H.C. Bennett as publisher and the office on "Broadway between
Fulton & State St." It lasts until 1861.
1866 July - Duchow returns the printing press and equipment to the second story and rents it to William G. Dinsmore who publishes
The Columbia Citizen until 1867. The street floor is rented in
September to the Springfield Brewery. (by 1880 Henkleman's Saloon
occupied the building.) Vol.1. No. 1
(Sat.) July 28, 1866 states that The Columbia Citizen office
is in the "Union Bldg. upstairs on State St."
1861 Duchow's Bldg. was used by Parsons (above the drug store)
1862 to c1865 The Duchow Building isn't used by the newspapers.
1949 Duchow's Bldg. was used by State for the Columbia Gazette Office display (above the drug store on State Street.)
1966 Columbia Gazette Office is built on Washington Street from an 1855 drawing of the façade. Downstairs museum opened.
A reproduction of the 1855 building is constructed near to it's original site
for $33,000 after buying the lot for $1 from the University of the Pacific.
$12,500 was contributed by the California Newspaper Publishers Association.
1998 Columbia Gazette Office museum closed.
2000 March 28 - Columbia Booksellers & Stationers at the Columbia Gazette. A working print shop is set up.
2006 March - The Columbia Gazette becomes a static display and an interpretive working print shop.
Men's Directory Heckendorn & Wilson 1856
A History of California Newspapers 1846-58 Edward Kemble
Sherrin Grout, State Park Ranger
Columbia's available newspapers

Details on the Columbia Gazette
Intent of Building.
The Historic Press.
The Palmer & Rey Press.
The History of the Building.
Columbia's Editors and Newspapers.
History of Columbia's Newspapers 2.
Columbia Gazette's Newsboys!
This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.