1855 to present
Meyer's Building.
1851 John Wegel owns the lot prior to this year.
1852 The lot sells to Alex Mayer who was already in the building.
1853 Sells to Lewis S. Ackerman who has a wholesale tobacco store.
1854 The wood structure burns in the July fire and is replaced by another frame building.
1855 Ackerman builds a one story brick structure. Moses Meyer and L. Wolfe buy the building.
1857 Meyer Brothers own the building.
1859 December - S. Friedman has "fancy store" with toys and gifts.
1861 Henry Hemmer has a boot and shoe shop in the building.
1862 Friedman back in the building.
1865 Charles Snyder buys the lot at a sheriff's sale for delinquent taxes.
1866 Snyder has a barber shop in one part of the building, White has a tailer's shop in the other part.
1867 Snyder takes Kordmeyer as a partner, they add a shoe shop at the back of the barber shop.
1876 Siebert and Vassallo own the building.
1880 Antonio Frates has a barber shop in the building.
1889 Vassallo sells to Siebert.
Siebert Building - 1920.
1920 Mrs. Siebert sells to Native Sons of the Golden West.
1939 William E. Muse, Justice of the Peace, moves the courtroom into the building.
© Brian Wolverton
Judge Lyle Schoettgen - 1940.
1945 July 15 - Gov. Earl Warren signs the bill in this courthouse to make Columbia a state historic park and capital of California for one day.
Justice Court - 1947.
1969 County of Tuolumne use building as a courtroom for $1 a year. (Park & Concessionaire report 1969-70)
1989 Through court consolidation, the court moves to Sonora so the building becomes a court display.
1994 State Senator McCorquodale opens a field office in the back room of the building.
1995 McCorquodale defeated in `94 elections, building returns to a display.
Inside the court display - 2010
2013 29 May - Meyers & Wolfe building looses it's Justice display.
2013 July - Meyers & Wolfe building becomes George Van Buskirk's Men's Emporium.
Men's Emporium - 2013
2015 October 31 - George Van Buskirk's Men's Emporium closes.
2016 January - The building is used to display the carriage used in High Noon. Efforts are being made to turn it into a "Movies Made in Columbia" static display.
2018 The building is converted into the Chinese Herb Shop from the Knapp Block. (the carriage is now on display at the museum)

Chinese Herb shop display - 2018
22734 Main Street
Columbia, California.

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.