(still being used)
Since 1854
(North/east corner of Broadway & Washington Streets - 1855)
1850 December - D.E. Alexander files a claim on the lot.
1852 December - Milo Courtright files a claim. He has already built a stable and a house on the property.
1853 April - a judgement finds against Courtright in favor of Stacy & Co. as to ownership.
1853 April 6 - Stacy & Co. sell to Charles Cardinell. There is a 3 story frame structure on the lot.
1853 October - the first floor is the St. Charles restaurant, the remainder of the building is the St. Charles hotel.
View of building facing Washington Street with Gazette Office & Eagle Cottage seen from the back: 1854.
1854 The building is destroyed in the July fire. In September, Gillespie buys the lot and builds a 3 story brick structure. The upper floor is a meeting room for the Masonic Lodge. Gillespie is their trustee and attorney.
Gillespie and Dr. J.S. Davis have offices in the building.
Weekly Columbian newspaper ad for new business in building- 1856
1859 James Riley operates a grocery store in the building.
1860 Matthew Brady runs a general merchandise store on the lower floor.
1863 The Masonic Lodge buys the lower floor.
1890 Property sells to G. L. Mead who tears down the building and mines the property. $14,000 in gold mined out. The bricks are used in the Rawhide mine.
1947 The Columbia Historic Park Association buys the lot from the estate of Tom Conlin then sells to the state for $1.00.
1950 New building constructed by the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of the State of California, and given to the state in exchange for a 50 year lease.

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.