(George & Barbara Eastman Map - Dec. 1958)
Missing Buildings
Forgotten Buildings is what Mrs. George W. Eastman called her compilation as she described (in 1954) what was here: Main Street East
1857 August 25 - the fire causes much damage to all wood structures in town and what wasn't rebuilt was mined to the granite bedrock. The buildings that were identified are listed below.
McClean & Evans' Blacksmith Shop. #1
Shotwell's Musical Hall. Also Nelli's and Armory. #2. Eastman notes that this is where Denoille's first location/home was. She was supposedly the fisrt woman to Come to Columbia and the first to have a white child.
White & Wing's Tin Shop. #3. In business since 1856.
Jacskon & Stone's Pioneer Store. #4. A brick building and in business since 1854.
Adam's & Co. Office. #5. North part of Bassett's property. Bassett's Alley was between #5 and #6.
Issac Levy's Clothing Store. #6. Made of brick and in operation since 1854.
P.G. Ferguson's Saloon. #7. With Jenny Lind Restaurant.

Other missing buildings on Washington Street (south side going west):
(#34)Northrup & Marshall's Carpenter Shop (a Chinese "restaurant" earlier)
(#35) Eagle Cottage (second location: see #37)
(#36) Fallen Hotel (formerly the Main House) .
Next on Broadway Street (going south):
(#37) Fountain Hotel (site of first Eagle Cottage Boarding House).
(#38) Green's Boarding House (owned by McFarland - 1860)
(#39) Piley's Meat Market (later Temple's, then McFarland rented it).

From a copy of the map of Columbia 1860 that was compiled by George W. & Barbara Eastman Map - Dec. 1958

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.

Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) Yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.