(AKA: Sewell Knapp Building, Bayhaut Building, French Bakery, Chinese Display, Ebler's Leather.)

© Columbia State Historic Park.
The Bakery - 1890.
(Main Street - east side)
1853 October - Victor Bordenave sells the Cornish Arms to Andrew Dutel.
1854 March - at a sheriff's sale, John P. Lassbasses purchases the business.
1854 May - John Labasse purchases the building.
1854 June - the lot is owned by Sewell Knapp, he has a brick building constructed.
1854 July - the building is sold to Dominique Bayhaut who operates a French Bakery.

© Collection of web master.
Ad taken out by brothers - 1856.
1864 Bayhaut loses the building in a foreclosure.
1865 June - Antone Siebert rents the building for a bakery, having lost his building in the fire.
1866 Siebert buys the building. He continues the business until 1904. For a while, his brother William is a partner. The bakery was well known for its graham crackers. His bakery was called the "Boss Bakery" then became the "Columbia Cracker Bakery".
1871 August - Siebert & Brother. Block 9, Lot 161 (which extends from Main Street to Columbia Street. This block today [2015], after the Museum and toilets has the house and bakery on it at the eastern portion.) - Deputy County Surveyor map by John P. Dart

© T.H.S.
Dec. 1880 ad.
1880 December - Siebert runs an ad in the Sonora Tuolumne Independant newspaper. It reads (in part): The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he will furnish Bread and all sorts of crackers, such as, Soda, Graham, Wine & Boston Crackers, Pilot & Ship Bread, Jenny Lind Cakes and Ginger Snaps, Wedding Cakes made to order, Pies and Cakes, etc., etc. Patronise your home Cracker Bakery. Antone Siebert.

© Columbia State Historic Park.
A closer look at the sign that hung over the bakery - 1890.
c1958 Becomes a Chinese herb shop exhibit.
2002 March - Knapp block due for restoration.
2003 Knapp block reopened.
2007 Chinese exhibit redone and "improved."
2017 Ebler's Leather Store expanded.(Chinese display remove to "Justice Court")

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
A portion of the Chinese display - 2007.

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.