
© oac
Brown's Building c1854-57
Now in the middle of the intersection of Washington and Main Streets, this building was located on the northwest corner of Washington and Main streets, before Washington street was moved north.
1850 October - H. N. Brown (born 23 Feb 1820 in Maryland) establishes a store. H. N. Brown & Co. Wholesale &Retail Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, & Hardware. Or as the sign that faced Washington Street simply stated, "General Merchandise."
1854 June - Brown starts construction on a building which is destroyed in the July fire. He rebuilds of brick. (See Ambrotype above)

© private collection of web master.
The sign on the store front.

© private collection of web master.
Brown takes out an ad in the Businessmen's Directory - 1856.
1857 August 25 - the fire causes the black powder in the building to explode and the store is destroyed. Five men are killed including Brown. A sixth died later. (Mr. Brown's grave is in the Columbia cemetery, the first one on the right side of the road, just inside the gate.
1857/58 R. B. Parker in partnership with C. E. Gorham rebuilds on the site. General merchandise store.
1861 Building survives the fire.
1863 Bowen, Bacon and Co. operate the business.
1866 Parker and Bacon operate the business.
1867 Bacon buys out parker. Bacon becomes postmaster, in addition to post office they have groceries, dishes, miners' and farmers' implements and hardware.
1870 By this time the building is destroyed by mining and Washington Street had been realigned.

© Collection of Floyd D.P. Øydegaard
from an original H.N. Brown Invoice - 1856

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.