(AKA Native Sons of the Gold West Parlor, Columbia Museum for the NSGW.)
© private collection
Hildenbrand Building - 1940s
1851 Francis Chapperon and Paul Varron claim the land. Later somehow, Chapperon got Varron's interest.
1853 June - Chapperon sells to Dominique Bayhaut who opens the "U.S. Bakery".
1854 July - the lot and store are acquired by Michael Hildenbrand. The structure was burned in the July fire and rebuilt of wood. (Note: Michael Hildenbrand was born 17 Dec 1819 in
France & died 1871 in San Francisco, California. See Chart created by Charlene Duval)
1855 Hildenbrand acquires the property behind the building which ran north to State Street and builds a residence on it.
Weekly Columbian newspaper ad for the Hildenbrand Saloon -1856
1856 A two story brick building is on the lot. A bakery and confectionery store is on the first floor with lodgings on the second. An ice cream parlor was added to the bakery with several marble topped tables.
1856 Still called the United States Bakery, M. Hildenbrand places an ad in the Businessmen's Directory.
1858 One of the upper rooms becomes the meeting room for the city trustees.
1860 Hildenbrand rents the building to Jacobi and Morris who have a clothing and dry goods store on the premises.
1861 Hildenbrand sells to Joseph B. Houghton who rents to Kohn, Jacobi & Co.
© Columbia State Historic Park.
Hildenbrand Building on left, 1863. Note the canvas signs on awnings.
1864 Ed Elias advertises a toy and fancy goods store in the building.
1865 The building sells to George Kordmeyer and Charles Snyder, who open a saloon.
1871 August - Kordmeire. Lot 223 - Deputy County Surveyor map by John P. Dart
1876 William Siebert and Frank Vassallo own the building.
1885 September - Siebert converts the building to a residence for his family.
1888 March 2 - First Columbia Parlor #121 was instituted and located in San Francisco.
1889 Vassallo sells building to Siebert.
1897 Mrs. K. Siebert owns the building.
1900 February 19 - The NSGW Parlor consolidated with Golden Gate Parlor #29.
1913 October 23 - Columbia Parlor #258 was then instituted, making it the only time, where a Parlor name was reissued.
1920 The Native Sons of the Golden West purchase the building, with the efforts of Frank Dondero, which included the "justice court" and the lot north of the building, from Mrs. Siebert.

© N.S.G.W..
Columbia Band in front of he N.S.G.W. Lodge. September 9, 1923
1923 September 9 - Native Sons of the Golden West sponsor an Admission Day Celebration at the parlor. The bottom floor was a furniture and bedding store.
1927 The post office is on the lower floor.
The Post Office -1947
1951 The state purchases the building from NSGW for $2600. Giving the N.S.G.W. a lifetime lease.
1963 The post office moves out.
1966 July 2 - The Hildenbrand building is restored.
1973 Empty Building (per "Columbia Memories" by W. Lee Roddy)
2006 Native Sons of the Golden West, Columbia Parlor #258 reactivate local membership.

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Museum for N.S.G.W. - 2007
Contact information for
the Native Sons of the Golden West
P. O. Box 811, Columbia, CA 95310
Meet every 2nd Wednesday in the parlor at 7:00PM

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.

Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) Yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.