1850 to 1900
©Bancroft Library.
Graves & Gibiel Drug Store - 1855
This building was behind the San Francisco Store on Broadway.
1850s There were many professionals who traveled to the new goldfields looking for new customers. Some of these men had "titles" as Doctors due to their knowledge of drugs, ream medical education or having a certificate in latin.
1851 April 24 - Dr. F. Apachi is listed in census (page 5, line 36) age 38 (born in Mexico abt 1812)
1852 Sometime this year - Dr. James J. McChesney buys the State street property, north (Duchow bldg).
1853 An Advertizement for the Broadway Drug Store appears in the Columbia Gazette stating: "The stock embraces a greater variety than can generally be found in the Mines; together with all the popular PATENT MEDICINES of the day....Dr's Graves & Gibiel". (Columbia Gazette August 7, 1853)
1853 September - Dr. McChesney sells the west part of the lot to Enoch Covert who sells it to Drs. Oxley and Campbell who open an office in the building.
1854 July 10 - "A fire broke out this morning, about 2 o'clock, on Broadway, two doors from Clark's Hotel, in the town of Columbia, and resulted in the almost total destruction of the town. All the property within the territory bounded by Broadway, Fulton, State and Washington streets, is entirely consumed, except the fire-proof building of Donald & Parson." - Sonora newspaper.
1854 July - After the American Hotel building on Main street is destroyed in the fire, it is rebuilt as a two story frame hotel,tenants are: Wells, Fargo & Co., Kelty's stage line and Dr. J.J. Massey, dentist.
1854 In the spring - McChesney leases the drugstore to Oxley and Campbell.

© Bancroft Library.
An 1854 image of Oxley and Campbell's Columbia Drugstore.
1854 July - the building burns and is replaced with a canvas shelter.
1855 March - McChesney sells the drugstore to Dr's Oxley and Campbell.
1855 December - the lot sells to Dr. McChesney and Dr. M. W. Parsons, a dentist. Their ad.
1856 July - a two story brick structure is built by John C. Duchow, the lower floor houses the Columbia Drugstore, the upper floor has a print shop and is the office of the Weekly Columbian, published by J. W. Oliver.
1856 November - McChesney sells to Parsons, and the Weekly Columbian moves. Dr. Parsons was a dentist.

Gibbons & Co., Drug Store - 1856
1856 Doctor William P. Gibbons advertises the Broadway Drug Store in Colonel Gillespie's Fire Proof Building on Broadway near the corner of Washington Street.
1856 Doctor L. Charnaux advertises in the Miners & Business Men's Directory. Calling himself a Physician and Surgeon in his private hospital on Fulton, east of Main street. Doing house calls in the county.
1856 John S. Davis M.D.advertises in the Miners & Business Men's Directory. Calling himself a Physician and Surgeon in his office in the Gillespie Block, corner of Broadway & Washington St.
1856 A. Campbell M.D. advertises in the Miners & Business Men's Directory. Calling himself a Physician and Surgeon in his office in J.A. Jackson's Fire-proof house on Main St.
1856 S. Earle M.D. advertises in the Miners & Business Men's Directory. Calling himself a Physician and Surgeon in his office in the Gillespie Block, corner of Broadway & Washington St.

A Dentist on Fulton Street runs an ad in the Columbia Gazette - 1856
1857 Albert Leavitt advertises dry goods and clothing. Walker was a jeweler and watchmaker, an express agency and a drugstore in the building (Towle & Leavitt).
1857 May - Dr. McChesney has his office in the store and his residence in the back. He says he will open the Empire Drug Store.
1857 After the August fire, the Wilson building is rebuilt of brick and occupied by Swain's seed store and Dr. E. Schmidt's Eagle Drug Store.
1859 July - Drs. Baldwin and Dickinson operate as druggists and apothecaries in the McChesney building (southern bldg, Candy Kitchen).
1859 August - Dr. Baldwin is alone.
1860 July 18 - Doctor William P. Gibbons age 48 from Delaware is listed in census (page 163) with wife (Mary B. of New York) and three male family members.
1860 July 19 - Doctor Ah Me age 40 (born in China abt 1820) listed in census (page 164) as doctor worth $400. Living with Ah Hune.
1860 July 19 - Doctor Ah Hune age 45 (born in China abt 1815) Listed in census (page 164) as druggist worth $500. Living with Ah Me.
1860 July 19 - Doctor Ah Lum age 22 (born in China abt 1838) Listed in census (page 164) as druggist worth $500. Same building as Ah Them.
1860 July 19 - Doctor Ah Them age 26 (born in China abt 1834) Listed in census (page 164) as druggist. Same building as Ah Lum.
1860 August 23 - Doctor F.S. Whaley age 41 (Born in New York c1819) Listed in the census (page 291) as a Physician worth $1200 with wife and daughter.
1864 December - McChesney sells the store to Dr. D.M. Baldwin.
1867 August - Dr. Baldwin sells to Dr. R.W. Hathaway who has a drugstore. Later, Dr. Graham has an office in the drugstore and then Dr. Fine takes over from Graham.
1869 Dr. G.T. Van Vleck succeeds Dr. Fine.
1874 Edward Elias adds a drugstore in (northern bldg, Candy Kitchen) McChesney bldg.
1880 Dr. Lyman Tibbits rents the D.O. Mills building for a drugstore.
© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
The Dentist Display - 2009

For more history than you might want to know, look up American Dental Assoc. History on the web.

Page created for the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.

Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) Yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.