(Broadway - 1855)
1853 The Clark's Hotel, built by James H. Clark, is on the lot.
1854 June 23 - James H. Clark mortgaged his hotel to John Steinbowerer for $375.
1854 July 10 - "A fire broke out this morning, about 2 o'clock, on Broadway, two doors from Clark's Hotel, in the town of Columbia, and resulted in the almost total destruction of the town. All the property within the territory bounded by Broadway, Fulton, State and Washington streets, is entirely consumed, except the fire-proof building of Donald & Parson." - Sonora newspaper.
1854 September 16 - Dr. James McChesney resumes practice at office in Clark's Hotel. - Columbia Gazette.
1854 A. Clark and Bartlette are owners of the Livery Stable across from the Hotel, on the southeast corner of Fulton and Broadway streets. The Livery played an important part for the traveling businessman to have a place to care for his horse(s). It was convenient to have the livery near the hotel. Here's their ad in the Businessmen's Directory of 1856.
Bartlette & Clark's Livery Stable 1855
1855 January 6 - Clark sells hotel to his patner Ezra Briggs for $1000. It becomes the Brigg's Hotel.
1855 May - Mr. & Mrs. Woods are proprietors of the Brigg's Hotel.
1855 August 4 - Sheriff Soloman sells property to Soderer & Marshal. Not redeemed.
1855 November 3 - "James Clark & Co. have opened the Market on Broadway next to Clark's Hotel. The ad states that they have the choicest beef, mutton & pork, sausages, head cheese, lard, soused feet & ears." - Columbia Gazette.
1856 Broadway Market is occupied by Diana Saloon and rented to M. Rehm.
1856 Now called the Bird's Hotel.
1856 November 8 - Called the Anthony's Hotel.
1856 Clark & Bartlette sell Livery. It was called the Broadway Livery Stable.
1856 Parker & Stone run an ad in the Weekly Columbian newpaper.
1857 August 25 - The wooden two story building called the Broadway Hotel was not harmed during the great conflagration. (from Sacramento Daily Union - Aug. 29, 1857)
1857 September - The Broadway Hotel becomes its official name.
1859 June 20 - George Mellen Trask is born in Columbia.
The back portion of the Broadway Livery Stable c1866.
1868 The Broadway Livery Stable goes out of business and the lot is mined.
Broadway (Clarks) Hotel c1870
1875 July - Broadway Hotel closes.
1883 May - the Broadway Hotel is torn down and the site mined. Materials used to build the Filliberti house.
1883 May 3 - George Mellen Trask marries Margaret (Maggie) Stockel and live on Gold Street on the west side of Jackson Street. NOTE: Mary Stockel born in California 1864 age 6, living with family during census of Chinese Camp, 10 August 1870. Her family consists of: C.J. Stockel age 48, born in Hanover, female, head of household, John Stockel 17, born in Illinois, C.J. Stockel female age 14, M.A. Stockel female age 12, Henry Stockel age 8, Louis Stockel age 4.
1888 George M. Trask buys from Michael Kelly the Stage Stable on the southeast corner of Fulton & Broadway Streets.
The Trask Livery Stable on the left and Wells Fargo on the right 1890
1898 George M. Trask operates the Broadway Stable. The Columbia & Sonora Stage Line operates from this Livery.
1900 June 7 - George M. Trask Born in California 1859 married Margaret in 1883. He is listed as a Liveryman.
1905 Trask now owns stable across the street from the house known as the Trask/Sikora Residence. (Not sure of the date the house was built. Somewhere between 1885 and 1900.)
1917 George M. and Margaret Trask, deed the property of the house and the "stable lot" across Broadway to their son George E. Trask (Book of Deeds #95, p. 450).
1918 They move out to the family ranch in Gold Springs.
1920 February - George M. Trask is listed as a stagedriver delivering the U.S. Mail on the census of Township 2, Tuolumne Co. Born in Maine c1860. Married to Margaret age 56 born in California of German parents.
1930 April 14 - George M. Trask is listed as a Mail carrier on the census of Township 2, Tuolumne Co. Wife Margaret age 66.
1951 Doctor Sikora purchases the house, he is a dentist.
1963 March - George Ezra Trask, who was born in 1885, retires from the Stage Line which had operated for 75 years, by the Trask family.
1981 After Doc Sikora's death, the state purchases from Mrs. Florence Sikora for $100,000
Trask House 2005
2000 House retrofitted as offices for district staff.

Clarks Hotel c1880

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.