Cowing & Co 1859
from Handtub Junction, USA

1859 The handtub is built by Cowing & Co. of Seneca Falls, New York.
1859-60 The handtub is delivered to Glen Falls, N.Y., then sold to Richmond, VA, and later to Augusta, GA. Survived the Civil War as a "Confederate Engine."
1868 The handtub is sold to Union Springs, Alabama for the sum of $1800.
1897 October - The handtub is sold to Randolph, Massachusetts Volunteer
Fireman's Association for $700 & name changed to "ALABAMA COON", with $3000 worth of restoration.
Alabama Coon - c1900
1901 sold to Stoughton, Massachusetts for $410. Interior pump repaired with a Button & Co. pump.
1905 N.E. League Champ as CITIZEN #1. Citizen would win the "Torch Trophy" at Manchester, N.H.
1910 N.E. League Champ as Alabama Coon.
late 1940's Alabama Coon was sold to Ipswich, Massachusetts, and name changed back to CITIZEN #1.
1953 Mustered as Alabama Coon through the muster season.
1954 It was changed back to it's original name Citizen #1.
1955-68 Engine ending up in Freedom Land, NY. then went to the Roth Steel Co., of Syracuse, NY.
1969 John W. Lowe of Sonora brought her West for the first time and operated the pumper under the banner of the Standard Fire Brigade.
1970, 71, 72 Grand Champion in Standard, CA. Pickering Fire Brigade.
1975 John W. Lowe loans the Citizen to Columbia State Historic Park for safe keeping.
2007 Citizen was moved to the State Street Firehouse.
Citizen #1 - Columbia 2007
2011 May - Citizen was moved to her new home, the Fire Museum of Syracuse in Syracuse, New York.
2019 May - Found the Citizen was to be auctioned off along with other fire equipment. (Research by Richard Yokley)
Citizen #1 - On Auction Block in New York - 2019
2019 July - Citizen sold at Auction to a past President of The Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America at almost $52,000 which includes a wagon, hand cart and what it had in it. Citizen 1 now resides in Camarillo, Ca in a private fire/ railroad collection and museum along with several other unique hand and motorized pieces.. - update from Bill Dundas

Most of the information for the above historical sketch came form the publication entitled "Cowing & Co. A story of their Fire Engines" published by the Seneca Falls Historical Society. (Unless otherwise stated)
This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.

Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) Yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.