(AKA The Brady House #1)
1859 - present

© Brady/Jackson Collection.
Brady House - 1890/1910.
Southwest corner of Jackson & Broadway.
Matthew Brady was born 12 November 1826 in Kilnalek, County Cavan, Ireland to parents Patrick & Catherine (Reilly) Brady. He became a naturalised citizen by 1850.
1857 - Matthew Brady comes to Columbia, Tuolumne County, California.
He does some mining at first and then looked for work. J. Rrilly hired him as clerk in his grocery store & general merchandise in the lower floor of the Masonic Hall building.

© Brady/Jackson Collection.
Brady House with Mayme Jackson (aka Mary Teresa Brady) - 1890s.
1859 - He builds a house on the corner of Jackson & Broadway.
1859 - Matthew buys J. Reily's Store, (here he will remain until his death)
1869 December 9 - Matthew Marries Margaret Agnes Banahan at St. Annes Catholic Church, Columbia, California. They are married by Rev. T.J. Smith. All seven of their children are born in this house.
1898 19 Dec - Matthew dies from complications due to a fall.

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Side view of Brady House - 2001.
Restoration would be a good idea for this original 1859 house.
It could be interpretive.
Need private benefactors!
©Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Front view of Brady House. Built 1859
2021 May - The house has a new wood shingle roof! Good start for a complete restoration.

The Brady House #2

© Brady/Jackson Collection.
Mathew F Brady (Jr) built this house in Columbia ~ about 1895
(This house is two houses south on the same west side of Broadway)
Due to the family enlarging Matthew C Brady (not sure of the exact spelling of name)
(Born 12 Nov 1826 - Kilnalek, Cavan, Ireland)
(Death 19 Dec 1898)
Built this house on Columbia, CA and it is Part of the State park.

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard

Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) Yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.