1851, 1860 & 1871

Missing Buildings
Forgotten Buildings is what Mrs. G.W. Eastman called Block 10 as she described (in 1954) what was here; On the corner of State & Main Streets stood The Italian Saloon (Lot 1),
"In the Colombo Saloon deeds...the saloon was on the north 35' half as they called it, while Stone's Stove Shop was on the south 19' half.
Apparently it had originally been considered a 50' lot and then divided, both keeping the lot number originally given as Lot 50, then later being changed to Lots 1 & 2."
Hubbard Stone's Tinshop (Lot 2), being next south and
Pierre Bogneriz' Paint Shop (Lot 3) being between Stone's and
Schartze's (Lot 4)
By 1852 Franklin & Wolfe (Lot 5),
Brainard's (Lot 6).
1852 On State & Main Streets (southeast corner) this lot had a wood structure known as the Italian Saloon. Owner, Luigi Marietti.


Columbia Locations Map 1860 (Based on 1858 map) - George & Barbara Eastman; Dec. 1958.
1858 - Columbo Saloon #15 faces State Street, on State & Main
Stone's Tin Shop next south.
Philip Schwartz' New York Dry Goods Store #14 built 1855 and still standing.
Sam Leon's Building - brick. (Koch's Barber Shop 1868) #13 built 1856 and still standing.
Franklin & Wolfe's Variety Store #12 built 1854 and still standing.
B.M. Brainard Store #11 built 1854 (with extra shop fronting on Fulton Street)
Joel Levy's Store #10 Brick building built 1854.


Dart's Map 1871
Koch property #167 (Not yet sure what was here)
Jose Maria property #168 (Not yet sure what was here)
Kryzer property #169 (Not yet sure what was here)
Koch' Barber Shop #170 (After renovating and adding bath tubs, Koch opens his barber shop. One window is rented to Martin's Jeweler's Shop. 1868)
Joel Levy property #171 (1870 David Levy sells to his father, Joel, who has a fancy and staple dry goods store.) Census of 1870 shows Joel as born c1805 in Prussia Province of Posen. David as born c1844 in Prussia, Province of Posen.
Abe (Abraham) Levy #172 (known as the Three Brothers Store - Abe, S & H)
Jack Douglass property #173 (Not yet sure what was here. Douglass had been buying and selling property on this block.)

Special Thanks in part to Diane Harrington for her added research - 2015
Columbia Locations Map 1860 (Based on 1858 map) - George & Barbara Eastman; Dec. 1958.
Also from above map listings.

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.